Return Policy

Return Policy

Return Policy

We recommend that after buying the Products, check the Seal and packaging before unboxing. After Programming the Hearing Aid, use your hearing aid for trial and let us know if any manufacturing defects are there as soon as possible. If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can return your hearing aid at any time within 15 days from the date of receipt for a full refund. Please note that all shipping costs or any other costs incurred for the return of your hearing aid will be for your own account.

To qualify for the above refund you will need to call to our contact centre at any time before, but no later than 5pm (IST) on the 15th day after receipt.

For your hearing aid to be eligible for return:

– It must be returned with everything that was included in the original packaging (including the carry case), together with all accessories, instructions and documentation (if any).

– Your hearing aid must not be damaged, scratched, or soiled. Please treat products and packaging with reasonable care while in your possession. Nothing herein detracts from any right we may have to hold you liable for any damage you cause to a product (including its packaging) while in your possession.

We are not able to accept the return of any products which do not comply with these conditions. Products returned without a valid reason will be deemed not have been validly returned and may be sent back to you at your own expense.

If the product is returned within 15 days of the date of receipt and you have complied with the above conditions you will be entitled to a full refund of the original purchase price.

You may not under any circumstances resell any products purchased from us, whether through the website or any other means.

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